Our Mission Statement: ‘Called By God’. 

Our children know that like Mary, they too are special; they are chosen; they are loved. We are inspired by Mary’s bravery to say yes to God’s call, and just like Mary, when we say yes to new opportunities our lives can change forever. 

 Our children know that they are ‘Called by God’. 

Our School Prayer 

Our school prayer, written by the staff, is our gift to the children. It is a daily reminder of how God is calling all of us as individuals to make the world a better place: 


We are called by God to:

Stand as one family 

Together we will make a difference

Make us responsible for ourselves and others

Always treat everyone with justice and compassion

Respect and celebrate difference

Your strength will guide us

St Mary, pray for us.

Our School Song  

Our School Mission “Called by God” is at the heart of everything that happens here at St Mary’s. The inspiration for our work comes from St. Mary – our very special saint.  We hope you enjoy our school song which was written by our pupils using words from our mission statement, Catholic Social Teaching and our school rules.  The film demonstrates the many joys we experience here every day at St Mary’s and is our “mission in action”. 


Our School Values 

The following values underpin everything we do here at St. Mary’s: 

BEING Just and Responsible 

We seek to act justly, fairly and responsibly in all our relationships to ensure ‘The Common Good’ is upheld. 

PROMOTING Spiritual and Human Development 

We believe a knowledge of and a personal relationship with Christ gives meaning and purpose to our lives. 

ACHIEVING Quality in Teaching and Learning 

We believe everyone should gain dignity and self-worth through quality teaching and learning which allow all in our school community to excel. 

SHOWING Respect for Every Person 

We believe that all are created in the image of God and therefore we will respect the unique and intrinsic value of every person, promoting equality and celebrating diversity. 

CREATING Community 

We believe our schools to be faith communities where Gospel values of truth, honesty, forgiveness and reconciliation are lived and where there is special care for those most in need. 


We value the views and opinions of the communities whom we serve and will actively engage and respond.