School Uniform

 Our School Uniform is important to us. It is one way in which we identify ourselves as a school family and it promotes a strong, cohesive school identity that supports high standards and expectations in all areas of school life. Smartness and high standards of appearance are expected at all times.

The governing body supports the headteacher in implementing the school uniform policy, and liaises with the headteacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity.

School Dress

Our school uniform comprises:

  • School sweatshirt - Royal Blue
  • Trousers - Grey  
  • (Option of a skirt- grey)
  • White Polo Shirt ( Optional shirt/blouse) 
  • Black Shoes rather than trainers

An alternative summer uniform of short grey trousers or Gingham blue dresses may be worn. Sun hats/baseball caps are strongly encouraged during the summer term.      

The children are expected to have the following for P.E. activities:

  • PLAIN  white T-shirt
  • PLAIN  black shorts, plimsolls and trainers (outdoor P.E.)

We encourage the children to bring their P.E. kit into school at the start of each half term then it will be sent home at the end of each half term for washing.

We try to teach P.E. lessons outside when appropriate throughout the year. A plain track-suit is helpful during the colder months.

We ask all parents who send their children to St Mary's RC  Primary School to support the school uniform policy. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children correctly dressed and ready for work. One of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform, and that it is clean and in good repair.

Ordering your School Uniform

To order online, please click on the following link School Trends Online

If you have any queries regarding ordering uniform, please speak to Miss Fowler  in the office.