Here at St Mary's, we use Google Classroom as our online platform, supplemented by Class Dojos and Purple Mash.

The children have logins and passwords for these platforms. 

Click the link below for information on accessing Google Classroom 

Parent Guide to Remote Learning

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Offer

Updated: 19/05/2023 134 KB


The following is a list of links and information about how to access resources to support your child's learning at home.  We hope that it's useful to you.

Google Classroom (Reception to Year 6)

Google Classroom is a suite of applications that provide each pupil with an opportunity to work online.  All pupils have their own individual accounts.  To log in, go to the link above and click the sign-in button.

Purple Mash (Reception to Year 6)

Purple Mash is an online platform that provides pupils with a wide range of interactive learning activities across a whole range of National Curriculum subjects.  Teachers can assign these activities to your child, mark them, and feedback.  Each pupil has their own unique login.

Times Tables Rock Stars (Year 2 - Year 6)

Guide for Parents

I'm sure that most parents/carers will be aware of the work we do already with this resource. It's excellent for developing pupils' knowledge and understanding of their times tables. Use the link above to access the website. Download the guide for parents, for more details.

Other Times Tables Resources (Year 3+)

As many of you will know, it's now an expectation that children know their times tables by the time they finish Year 4.  The links above will provide lots of different types of practice.  Year 4s undertake a statutory times tables check during the summer term.

Spellings Practice (Year 3 and 4)

This website has a free 14-day sign up and will allow them to practice the Year 4 statutory spellings:

Twinkl - (Reception to Year 6)

Twinkl provides a wide range of resources to schools, from traditional worksheets and lesson plans right through to interactive resources.  During the COivd-19 School Closures, they are offering access to help with home learning.

Ruth Miskin Read, Write Inc./ OxfordOwl

The children will have their logins to OxfordOwl , an online source of e-books.

Phonics play (Reception to Year 2)

A great resource for children to practice their phonics!

Numberblocks (Reception)

A great resource for our reception children to practice their number work.

BBC Bitesize – (Reception to Year 6)

There are loads of free resources to investigate and try out on BBC Bitesize.

BBC Music Resources

BBC Trailblazers and Ten Pieces is a fantastic resource for KS2 students to explore the world of classical music.  The children have already studied a few of these amazing pieces but there are many they have not had the opportunity to listen to and explore.

Some free Music Lessons (Year 1 – Year 6)

Music Room Blog

Have a go at these music lessons.  Nice and simple, accessible, fun and calming.  Lots of listening to snippets of classical music etc.

Ideas for Learning Spanish at Home

Good for Year 3/4. This is a free resource.  Click on the blue signs to choose a topic, then follow the instructions.  Most topics have been covered in class already.

Good for KS1. A free app.   You receive notifications every day and can choose to learn Spanish for 5 - 20 minutes a day.

National Trust – 50 things to do before I’m 11¾!

Have a look at this list.  It might give you some ideas for your daily exercise or things you can do in the back garden!

Hamilton Trust – Home Learning Resources (Year 1 to Year 6)

these home learning resources for maths and English are useful and specific for each year group